Friday, July 26, 2019

Last blog: English language challenges

I want to say that learn English at university was a very different experience in comparison with i expected in my first day of classes, i expected a traditional class in whiteboard like school, but the experience of write blogs, express ideas or opinions about a topic was a really good experience, 'cause i want a exchange in a future (if it's possible and the money becomes my friend).

 I don't know where yet but i know that i must learn all the English as i can, that's the reason why i like this experience to write and read English, reading is my weakest skill and write and read blogs helps me a lot to practice for the English level that i want and must need for a exchange.

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Of course, my plan to improve my reading is just read English, study physics or chemistry in English, the concepts and the contents are the same in fact, only change the language and the form to express ideas and there is my problem, view movies in English with subtitles in English is other strategy that i use a lot and most of people, listening to the movies, stories and dialogues in other language helps us to get acquainted with the language.

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These days i read physics in English, studying for the Monday A3 test, some books in English express more directly the concepts and i understand better some things and it's very useful to me. Also i saw movies in English without subtitles to proof myself if i can understand almost of dialogues, this helps me in the fluency.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Changes, improvement for students

Today the students take out their voices  in the universities about sexual harassment, academic load that produces high stress levels at carrers as medicine, engineering and many others with a high academic load. Today, is the changes age, bad situations of ancient times at universities get out at the light 'cause the student's voice. Also we're at the technology age, the technology made our lifes (and studies of course), more easy and also lazy, now i'll write about some possible changes or improvements at the studies:
Image result for volleyball 
For me and every student it’s very important to have the chance of sport activities and a good sport building and infrastructure (gym's, courts of basketball, football, handball, volleyball, etc...)
The sport is a very good way to de-stress ourselves, improves our body and mind-health and in this faculty the sport infrastructure is very bad, some selections go to training at JGM 'cause here they
don´t have an appropriate court.

Other general change at all the universities could be the use of technology as a teaching method but not abusing technology, what i mean with that? Well, in my opinion, the modern teachers use a lot the technology at classes what it's not bad, but could be closer than an abuse of it. 

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That’s why i think it's very necessary the whiteboard explanation like "the old classes", 'cause some teachers only read the ppt and that's their class, completely without of knowledge and without the main skill as a teacher, be able to explain a topic with your own words with all the knowledge you have as all the students understand well. I feel a miss of this skill in the modern teachers. Modern teachers must know how to use the technology but as a complement of the whiteboard explanation or "the old style" , with "complement" i mean images, programs that can demonstrate a molecule geometry, complements like a graphic of a very specific concept or applications and the theory explained at the whiteboard.

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I thinks this 'cause "the old class style" obligate at the student to imagine the theory and stay focused, the electronic devices broke our focus very easy, that's the reason why i think that everyone (specially the teachers) must to have a responsable use of technology (internet specially) as a teaching tool.

Other fact that i'll change is the pressure on us as student from teachers, sometimes pressure is necessary bu not at the depression and abuse level.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Daily topics

Today many topics are on the voices of everybody,topics like abortion, drugs, the environment damage, contamination, recycling,etc. Topics that reveal the actual society that we have.

Today i'm going to answer 4 questions about this topics:

1)What's your opinion about recycling?
Recycling is an habit that we would had since a lot of time ago, since the beginning of industrial revolution, because since that event the humanity release a lot of contaminants like SO2. CO, and other gases, some wastes of many products that could mean contamination around the industry or fabric, affecting to population. This problem of contamination had a lot of time, the recycling born like the solution of the not biodegradable wastes (derivatives of plastic). For me recycling today it's a RESPONSABILITY of everyone if we want to stay living in this world.

2)What's your opinion about climate change?
The climate change it's consecuence of the contaminants level at the atmosphere. This last years the planet had the most higher level of CO2 in the history, the scientist are working right now in alternative energy sources that will give us clean and ecologycal energies, free of contaminants, i think that here in Chile , the government should promove the environmental sciences and investigation to have options of clean and ecologycal energy sources.

3)What's your opinion about violence on tv?
The violence on tv had always exist, the problem is that the tv hide that. Today in Chile the tv can't hide the violence 'cause it's diary, violence is higher this last years, i think that this happens 'cause it's the consecuence of bad choices and irresponsability of society and specially politicians, they are completly out of context, it's like they were living in other world, they don't search for solutions to national problems that are the cause of violence, the happiness of the chilean.

4)What's your opinion about inmigration?
I think that inmigration it's the top of the consecuences of all this problems, people are searching for a better life quality, better choices, better works and politics, a better health that are extremly related with contamination level at some countries or cities.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Spine n' smile

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Everyday we are using our spine, cause it's like the information tube inside of our body. The spine had a lot of complex too, the vertebrae can be luxated specially if you are doing an impact sport (basketball, volleyball, football, rugby, etc)
The spine medula is the information conduit, it works together with the brain, and the spine protect it. The brain sends electric impulses to the leg to move it and contract the musles, but that impulses pass around the spine and spine medula first.

The spine is the most important part of our body, 'cause... as i said before, the brain is the generator of feelings, nervous signals, is also the regulator of the endocrine system, which is related to the hormone release. But if the spine doesn´t exist, the spine medula doesn´t had a protection, that will be really bad, 'cause any hit in the back can destroy and cut the spine medula, and also we can´t move cause we don´t had the vertebrae joints. Without the spine , our movements was really limitated.

The spine is located in the back, under the head until our sacrum and it's size can change depending of the person, but commonly it has an average size of 29.53in

As a complex structure, the spine can had a lot of illnesses that could be fatal. I will rate the most common spine illnesses:

1) Herniated disc: The common cause  of herniated disc is the age, because with the pass of ages, the disc material begins to degenerate and the ligaments that hold it in place begin to weaken  and the bones start to compress the spinal nerves, causing an acute lumabr pain.
Image result for herniated disc

2)Scoliosis: The most common spine disease in women, the scoliosis is a sideway curvature in spine. It's occur commonly in the growth before the puberty and the causes are very varaited, infections or tumors in the spine, bad posture, neuromuscular conditions, etc.

Comparing normal curves in spine with scoliosis

3)Sclerosis: Is a degenerative, autoimmune and chronic spine disease, it affects brain and spine medula, the cause are unknown yet, but the specialists says that it can be a autoimmunitary cause that affects the myelin protection around the neurone axon, interruping the nervous impulses.

Image result for sclerosis

Tips to keep our spine healthy:

1) Sport, don't be lazy, the spine joints need lubrication and the sport give that lubrication.
2) Musle stretch, it helps to the lubrication too.
3) Right posture at work or studying.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Post Graduate Studies

I´m studying Chemistry, and at this moment all we are so stressed, the university is a very big step for first year students, the tests, the laboratories and some students are confused with them careers. If i think for my future, i would like to study a post graduate course, i don't know what course yet , because the chemistry have a lot of specialisations, a lot of courses and contents, it's a very big science.

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I guess that i would like a PhD in theoretical chemistry, because i like so much the contents of chemical bonding, reactions, specially the cuantum mechanics. That subject is so hard but it's interesting for me, i think that is escencial for a scientist and a teacher know the why of everything and the cuantum mechanics explain a lot of the microscopic world, for example the chemical properties of many components, the why of some reactions and the electrons behavior in atomic and molecular orbitals, just brilliant.

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Image result for schrodinger equation

Also the physical chemistry is of my interest, explains formation of some molecules, the energy involucrated in that reaction and how it is raised or absorbed by the system or the around. The gases behavior with pression, how the volume change, it needs a lot of knowledge, also it's a very hard subject, i liked a lot the subject at school.

Image result for physical chemistry

Friday, June 7, 2019

Pets & Love together, all that we need

Pets are life, the perfect roomies, they always wait for you after a long day of work or study in school or university. Also they need different types of care, it's more hard to have a chinchilla than have a cat or a dog.

My favourite pets are the cats, because they're so smooth and very interesting, every cat has it own personality, some cats are very serious and sometimes very agressive, other cats are too lazy like my cat for example, and then we've a lot of cats to choose.
Also the cats are perfect for a cold stage, i guess that because they (in general) love pettings, who don't want pettings of a fat and fluffy cat with a hot tea or coffee in the bed?

My cat name is Monchi, she's black and very fat and for the same reason, she is very lazy. She loves pettings and is so pacient with my little brothers that always bother her. She has been with us for a long time, i guess 8 or 9 years.

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(It's like this cat)

I remember when my brothers was more little, we lived in a house with a very very big backyard. During the afternoon, my little brother had the great idea of find the cat and give her a oil bath, after that my middle brother put flour over the cat. Hours later me and my mom found a white cat in the house and minutes later we realized that cat was our cat, it was horrible!!! with my mom we had to bath the cat and our hands and forearms was full of scratches!!

My cat has been with me in everything, when i'm depressed or desmotivated by a bad day or whatever reason, she is there for me in every moment to give me pettings, she comb my hair in the mornings, it's a member more of my family, also she travels with us in holidays.
All we had a strong relationship with her, we love her.

If someone asked me what another pet i like, i'll say the chinchillas. I always loved the chinchillas, even the cares are difficult, they are so funny, fluffy and very very playful and energetic animals.

Image result for chinchilla

They need a lot of space to move and play, trap things and gnaw things, also they need a low temperature because the natural habitat is the cordillera, so if they live with more than 25 degrees it means that they can die or ill very bad. To have a chinchilla you must be a very careful owner, they're delicated , just a challenge have one, i love when they take a sand bath, it's so cute!

Friday, May 31, 2019

My favourite book and film

Image result for lovecraft pickman's model

I'm not a current reader, but i enjoy read, the most awesome books for me was the short stories and the monster's world of Howard Phillip Lovecraft. Lovecraft literally created a full world and mythology of monsters and horror, the stories are in a insane level of creativity, the form of expression in him stories makes you very tense and curious, the story traps you and you can't stop reading.

In general, the characters are very interesting in many cases, sometimes you don't understand the protagonist character 'cause Lovecraft likes to blow your mind and the write invite you to imagine and work your own version of the story. Just a genious of the horror genre.

My favourite short story of the world of Lovecraft definetly is the "Pickman's Model". Pickman was a painter and his paintings was really scary, morbid paintings with a lot of weird creatures that Pickman "saw's in his trastornated mind". In this story, the storyteller is Thurber, a close friend of the artist. Thurber had a puzzle to resolve, his friend has desapeared. What a surprise of Thurber when he entries to the gallery of Pickman, 'cause the paintings are not the imagination of Pickman, the creatures and the indiscreptible horror and realism of the paintings was real, Pickman had contact with this creatures in his gallery and ... Thurber doesn't really care to resolve the puzzle. That's the reason to the phobia of Thurber to stay in tunels or galleries.

"Only the real artists knows the actual anatomy of the terrible or the physiology of fear"

Image result for lovecraft pickman's model

Talking of films, it's hard to choose the favourite, but if i need to choose, my choice will be "The Imitation Game". The argument is about the scientist Alan Turing, a british cryptanalyst who has called of the british goverment to decrypte the german itelligence messages during the Second World War, he was gay, and the story of this man it's full of emotive moments, his life was hard fro his sexual orientation, in that century the homosexuality was pushined with dead or chemical castration, the second was the reason of Turing's dead. 

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The film is based in the real life of the scientist, the actors are just brilliant, the stage of the movie add more sentimentalism, 'cause a lot of scientist had family in the army, fighting against Hitler's Army. Turing's life in summary was a chain of frustration, 'cause his homosexuality and also the challenge of decrypte the Enigma Machine, whose purpose was encrypte the german messages to around the german army, instructions, objectives, etc. 
Always the WW2 is a interesting and also current argument fro many movies, but this movie in particular likes me 'cause the protagonist is a scientist, who helped to the fall of Hitler's Empire, the guy's life is really sad, frustrating in every second of the movie. Really recommended.